In 2013 the California legislature altered the formula for funding K-12 education for the first time in decades. Under this new formula, known as the Local Control Funding Formula (“LCFF”), school districts and charter schools receive more funding for English Language Learner students, students who qualify for free and reduced-price meals, and foster youth. This new system is intended to direct more resources to schools with students who have the greatest needs. In addition to the new funding formula, this legislation also established an accountability measure called the Local Control Accountability Plan (“LCAP”). Each local education agency is required to create an LCAP that describes its strategy to increase pupil outcomes with regard to state priorities, including: student achievement, student engagement, school climate, parental involvement, basic services, implementation of Common Core State Standards, course access, and other student outcomes.
Under LCFF, all charter schools in California are required to prepare a LCAP. A charter schools’ LCAP describes how they plan to use additional funds in order to meet annual goals for all pupils as well as for each individual subgroup of students, with specific activities to address identified state and local priorities, including: student achievement, student engagement, school climate, parental involvement, basic services, implementation of Common Core State Standards, course access, and other student outcomes. LCAPs are to be produced on an annual basis and given to authorizing districts and counties before July 1st of each year.
Current 2019-2020 LCAP documents for each Options For Youth charter can be downloaded below:
San Bernardino
San Gabriel
San Juan
Victor Valley
Previous 2018-2019 LCAP documents
San Bernardino
San Gabriel
San Juan
Victor Valley
As part of the LCAP development and evaluation process, Options For Youth must engage all stakeholders for feedback on an ongoing basis, including students, parents, guardians and staff. In order to gain input from stakeholders in the 2017-2018 school year, OFY held charter-wide LCAP Focus Group Meetings. These meetings included presentations about LCFF and LCAP as well as gave room for questions and discussion around the school’s goals and progress toward those goals. In addition, online survey links were distributed to all parents and students inviting them to give feedback anonymously. Staff was also welcomed to give anonymous feedback through an online survey in both the fall and spring of the 2017-2018 school year. Staff LCAP Focus Group Meetings were held to discuss our school's current goal's, progress toward achieving those goals and how we can improve upon those goals for the 2018-19 school year. All input from these meetings and surveys were carefully considered and discussed throughout the process of monitoring and executing 2017-2018 LCAP's and in the development of the 2018-2019 LCAP's.
Results and trends from the Fall 2017-2018 LCAP Focus Group Meetings and online surveys are below:
San Bernardino
San Gabriel
San Juan
Victor Valley
Virtual Program
Results from previous years:
2016 OFY Parent LCAP Feedback
2016 OFY Student LCAP Feedback
2015-16 Results
2014-15 Results
For more information regarding LCFF funding and the LCAP, please visit: