National School Choice week, a campaign dedicated to promote greater publicly supported educational opportunities for children, is off to a great start with thousands of events happening across the nation. You can join in the discussion on Twitter at #CAWantsOptions to learn more about quality academic options for California’s families. Options For Youth has been […]
Understanding the Every Student Succeeds Act
The Every Student Succeeds Act was officially signed into law in December by President Obama. The new law’s more flexible approach to school accountability and student testing are expected to benefit the education system overall. The law replaces a highly criticized No Child Left Behind Act that has governed schools since 2002. Major changes within […]
5 Important Statistics about California’s Future Labor Force
A recent report by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) projected employment opportunities through 2030 and discovered a significant gap in supply and demand for workers with college degrees. Here are five statistics about the workforce skills gap and the PPIC report you should know: Projections show that though California employment opportunities will likely […]
Understanding STEM Careers: Math
This week we are sharing the final installment of our STEM education series. If you have always felt comfortable dealing with numbers, the infographic below highlights careers related to the math industry. Take a look at some of the most popular careers and leave us a comment letting us know your favorite!
Understanding STEM Careers: Engineering
The third installment of the STEM education series focuses on the engineering industry. The infographic below examines some of today’s leading engineering positions by taking a look at job descriptions, education requirements and much more. Leave us a comment letting us know which ones were your favorites or if you think of any others!
Understanding STEM Careers: Technology
The STEM education series continues this week by highlighting careers in technology based fields. Check out some of the fastest growing job opportunities below. Leave us a comment letting us know which ones were your favorites or if you think of any others!
Understanding STEM Careers: Science
As a part of our STEM series, Options For Youth is proud to present the infographic below highlighting careers in various science fields. Leave us a comment letting us know which ones were your favorites or if you think of any others!
Understanding STEM Careers: A Series
STEM Overview STEM, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, is an acronym you’ve probably heard at least once over the past few years. But what exactly does it mean and why is it spending so much time in the spotlight? We will delve deeper into each of the STEM disciplines, highlighting popular industries […]
SAT and ACT Essentials
Our latest video provides important information regarding those upcoming SAT and ACT tests. Check it out!
A Look at the Learning Challenge The Learning Challenge with James Nottingham from Challenging Learning on Vimeo. The Learning Challenge, created by James Nottingham, uses the concept of a “pit” to introduce a style of learning that’s advantageous for all age groups. This video introduces an interesting theory on the benefits of creating challenging learning atmospheres. Initially, the […]