Colleges and universities come in all shapes and sizes. And now that you’ve started receiving your acceptance letters, it’s time to make a final decision. We’ve been there, too, so we’d like to offer some advice to help you make the right choice.
How To Make The Perfect College Choice For You
You’ve been accepted to multiple colleges! Congratulations! That’s a huge achievement, and you should be very proud of yourself. However, you now have to make one of the biggest decisions in your life so far – which school to choose? Granted, it’s a good problem to have, but it can still be overwhelming. Don’t worry […]
5 Things Not to Do After Applying to College
Applying to a college or university is a long process with many steps. When you finally click the “submit” button, you may feel like your work is done and now you can finally devote your time to catching up on your favorite TV shows. While it’s definitely true that you’ll have more free time, you […]
Everything You Need to Prepare Your FAFSA
So you’ve submitted college applications, sent letters of recommendations, and taken your SAT and ACT tests. You’ve done all you can to convince the schools of your choice that you belong on their campuses. What now? As you wait for those college acceptance letters to roll in, now is the best time to fill out […]
Choosing the Right College for You
With four-year colleges, community colleges, online schools, vocational and technical trade schools, there are thousands of possibilities to consider when thinking about your education after high school. Choosing the right college out of this group can seem daunting, even downright overwhelming. To get you started, we’ve broken down the most important factors to consider when selecting […]