You might not know this, but everyone is a procrastinator. It’s possible you’re reading this article right now when you should actually be working on something else. Writer and blogger, Tim Urban, uses humor, monkeys, and monsters tell the story of procrastination and how it’s affected him. He explains how every person has their own […]
Homework Hacks: 8 Tips to Get It Done Faster
Homework is no fun, especially if you’ve got a full schedule. You only have a little bit of time and a little bit of energy. And it takes so long to get through it. Not anymore. We’ve got some helpful homework hacks for you that will make doing your homework faster and less painful. 1. […]
How Primaries Work
You’ve probably heard all about the presidential primaries and caucuses this election season, but how much of this process do you understand? We are here to help! A presidential campaign all starts with a candidate announcing he or she is running for president, seeking the nomination of a specific political party (typically either Democrat or […]
Tips to Help You Save Money this Prom Season
As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, there is one big event on every teenagers mind: PROM. What am I going to wear? Who will be my date? How should I do my hair? Should I wear a white or black tux? The list of questions can go on forever but the […]
The Value of Failure
By. Jamie F. – An expert failure artist When I was a kid, I used to cry every single time my family and I went bowling. I was (and still am) a terrible bowler, and so I always lost, and so I always cried. In a terrible effort to comfort me, my dad would pinch […]
The Importance of Eating Healthy for Students
Research has shown that students are able to learn better when they’re well nourished, and eating healthy meals has been linked to higher grades, better memory and alertness, and faster information processing. One reason for this is that foods that are rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats such as eggs, yogurt, apples and oatmeal […]
5 Tips to Help Students Keep New Year’s Resolutions
Year after year, we set resolutions for ourselves, determined to better our lives. However, for too many of us within a few months we’ve fallen behind, start to lose our motivation, and eventually just start thinking about next year’s resolution. In fact, according to a University of Scranton study, only 8% of people successfully achieve […]
Gift Giving Guide for Students on a Budget
Picture this – Thanksgiving is over and you spent last week’s paycheck on Black Friday. December is coming up fast. You’re looking at your wallet and you only have a measly $4.52. You’re wondering how you’re going to make it through the rest of this year with gift giving season in full swing… Don’t fret! […]
The Key to Success: A TED Talk by Angela Lee Duckworth
Angela Lee Duckworth went from being a managerial consultant to a seventh grade math teacher in New York, and eventually a psychologist studying success factors in students. In the video below, she explains the importance of grit in predicting success in individuals. Check it out and let us know what you think in the comments!
Common Grammar Mistakes We’ve All Made
Grammar mistakes can derail any piece of text. They happen while you write a school essay or sending an email to your boss. No one is immune from some of the trickiest grammar rules, and that’s why we’ve created the following video. This crash course in some of the most common grammar mistakes people make will […]